
Troshin A.1,Stolyarova Z.V.1,Lesovik R.1,Mahova P.1


1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov


The article presents a study of the stages of the life cycle of construction facilities from the perspective of the efficiency of investment activities. The construction industry remains the most important area of the national economy in any country. Now, due to the unprecedented sanctions pressure, it is going through difficult times. The existing restrictions are a serious challenge for all participants. It is a well-known fact that investment projects in the field of construction are characterized by increased complexity and have a high level of risk. That is why it is necessary to adapt the theoretical foundations of the risk management system to the stages of the life cycle of construction facilities and identify ways to improve its efficiency. The paper analyzes the key stages of the construction process from the perspective of identifying possible risks and finding ways to reduce their negative consequences. Particular emphasis is made on the territorial aspect and the specifics of investment and construction activities in border regions, the status of which implies increased attention to improving the quality of risk management. The number of types of risk and the variability of their manifestations are steadily growing, and this process is irreversible and objectively existing. First, this is due to the uncertainty of the political and social environment. As a result, in addition to traditional risks, situations related to military operations and terrorist attacks, which in most cases are not included in the standard insurance package, are added. At the same time, this does not make the task of minimizing them impossible for all those interested in the growth and prosperity of the construction industry, which is the foundation for the socio-economic development of the country.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

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