
Yadykina V.1,Lebedev M.1,Vyrodova K.1


1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov


The use of polymer-bitumen binders as part of an asphalt concrete mixture allows to improve the quality of road surfaces. The most commonly used polymer is styrene and butadiene copolymer, however, it does not provide sufficient durability of asphalt concrete and has a high cost. There is a positive experience in solving these problems through the use of polymer composites filled with fine powders. One of the promising polymer fillers is shungite. The purpose of this work was to study the effect of shungite from various deposits of Karelia on the structure and properties of polymer-bitumen binder. It was found that the introduction of shungite in the amount of 5 wt.% changes the physico-chemical characteristics of polymer-bitumen binders: the viscosity and softening temperature increase markedly, the temperature of brittleness, as well as extensibility and elasticity change to a lesser extent. Changes in these properties indicate the structuring of the binder by finely dispersed shungite. This phenomenon may be associated with the transfer of bitumen from a volumetric to a structured state due to its interaction with the surface of the shungite powder, as well as due to the diffusion of low-molecular components of the binder into the pores of the filler. Moreover, shungite samples from different deposits do not affect the studied characteristics in the same way. The explanation for this may lie in the different content of active adsorption centers on the surface of shungite, which is in a linear relationship with the main characteristics of the polymer-bitumen binder modified with shungite.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

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