
Seryh I.1,Chernyshova E.1,Degtyar A.1,Masyagina N.1,Serykh V.2


1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov

2. Moscow State University of Civil Engineering


The main cause of defects and damage to balcony plates can be considered the so-called temporary factor, which has a far from positive effect on the general state of the structure - the impact of atmospheric-sphere precipitation, strong temperature differences. In addition to the temporary factor, the destruction of the balcony slab can be influenced by mistakes made during installation, no drains and overstrain of the balcony slab due to excessive load on it, which causes the formation of cracks. The basis for the survey was the check of the technical condition of the balcony slabs of a three-story multi-storey brick residential building in order to determine the degree of wear, possible defects and assess the possibility of further operation of the slab. A structural solution analysis was carried out to assess the technical condition of the building structures. Loads acting on the structures, impacts and operating conditions, the quality of structures, materials and connections were established. This also took into account factors such as the geometric dimensions of structures and their sections; presence of cracks, splits and destruction; condition of protective coatings; broken adhesion of reinforcement to concrete; presence of reinforcement rupture; condition of anchoring of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement; degree of corrosion of concrete and reinforcement. As a result of visual and measuring control, defects and damages having the requirements of operation and leading to a malfunction of the structure were revealed. The results set forth in the article may be of interest to specialists of expert organizations who are engaged in the examination of residential apartment buildings in order to assess the actual state of bearing structures, in particular balcony slabs


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

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