
Zakieva L.1


1. Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering


The work is devoted to a comprehensive cartographic analysis of the location of medical institutions in the structure of the city of Kazan. The provision of the city's territory with medical institutions is determined and the development of a digital model that displays the location of existing medical institutions is demonstrated. The possibility of automated modeling in geographic information systems of designed objects in order to optimally place these objects in the planning structure of the city is provided. The results of the study form the basis of a digital model for the location of medical institutions in Kazan. In addition to healthcare facilities, the digital model displays pedestrian graphs built according to the parameter of 20-minute pedestrian accessibility, outpatient clinics and transport graphs displaying 30-minute transport accessibility of multidisciplinary hospitals, emergency rooms, maternity hospitals and dispensaries. An analysis of the provision of the population of Kazan with medical institutions was carried out in accordance with the current standards of urban planning in the field of healthcare; territories not covered by the radius of accessibility of existing medical organizations were identified. To optimize the territorial location of medical institutions, it was proposed to introduce a cluster-network model, which was tested in Kazan. The results of the work contribute to increasing the efficiency of the healthcare system, its modernization and transfer to a modern level of service to the population. The digital model is the basis for forming an overall picture that allows planning, forecasting and making the most optimal decisions regarding the spatial placement of medical institutions.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

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