Scientific and technical developments, research of resource-saving equipment and technologies for the production of composite mixtures with technogenic components


Sevost'yanov M.1,Ageeva Marina1ORCID,Sevost'yanov V.1,Fomina E.1,Rudchenko A.1,Babukov V.1,Shamgulov R.1


1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov


The article considers the expediency of complex processing of man-made materials. The possibilities of obtaining building materials from secondary material resources, such as waste from the production of basalt fibrous insulation materials, and obtaining carbon black from rubber waste by thermolysis technology have been studied. Patent-protected resource-saving machines and units for complex processing of man-made materials with various physical and mechanical characteristics are presented. The separation of speck ("kinglet") as a separate type of semi-finished product with its further mechanical activation is justified. Production of fibers of various lengths, spherical granulate from secondary basalt fibrous waste, agglomerated carbon black. The necessity of homogenization of composite mixtures in a recirculating mixer of combined action has been studied. A technological complex for the production of dry building mixes with various components is presented. The physicomechanical characteristics and physico-chemical properties of composite mixtures were studied using multifactorial planning of the experiment. As a result of the conducted research, rational compositions of composite mixtures have been established. In the manufacture of concrete products from a homogenized cement-sand composite mixture (W/C = 0.2) with additives of 5 % carbon black and mechanically activated "kings" – sinters Sud=800 m2/kg – 6 % of the mass content of the binder; the mechanical strength of the samples – σ_(〖cj〗_28 )= 57 MPa 26 % higher than the strength of standard samples (σ_(〖〗_28 )= 45 MPa).


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

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