1. Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
The peculiarities of the existing relief within the city boundaries dictate the need to design various elements of relief organisation, allowing to connect its different levels in order to create a continuous pedestrian network. The most common solutions to this problem are stairs and ramps. However, the requirements to their volumetric and planning characteristics do not allow them to be placed in every urban space, especially if it has certain planning restrictions. In this connection there is a need to apply various combined volume-planning solutions, combining in space various elements of relief organisation. Apart from the practical component, such solutions can also diversify public urban spaces. As one of such solutions in some cases it is proposed to apply stramps, which are the object of the presented research. The subject is the study of their volume-planning characteristics and their compliance or non-compliance with the normative requirements of the concept of «universal design» by analysing the Russian official and normative-production literature, as well as by analysing the world experience of design and construction. Based on the results of the study, a summary analysis is presented on the compliance of straps with the two main requirements of «universal design» – the requirements of accessibility and safety, and some recommendations are given within the framework of the principle of reasonable accommodation
BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov
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