1. Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Construction
2. Research Institute of Building Physics
The air regime of multi-stores buildings is formed under the influence of wind pressure, air per-meability of enclosing structures, and the characteristics of the functioning of ventilation systems. The complex task of ensuring standardized air parameters in high-rise buildings is quite complex due to the presence of the stack effect, the action of which in the cold season leads to an increase in infiltration and energy consumption. In design practice, infiltration calculations are carried out using engineering methods that do not provide identical solutions. To assess the impact of in-filtration on the air regime of unique buildings, numerical calculations or modeling in wind tun-nels are used, which have a certain degree of reliability. The paper reviews the work on the influ-ence of the stack effect on the location of the neutral axis of the building and infiltration. One of the main measures to reduce infiltration is the use of façade structures with low air permeability. The selection of façade structures is more reliably carried out taking into account test results. Ex-perimental data are presented for determining the air permeability of a fragment of a modular fa-cade and their comparison with the regulatory requirements of the Russian Federation and differ-ent countries. The discrepancy between the calculation results using engineering methods and test results is shown. It is proposed to use the volume flow coefficient to determine the volume of infil-tration air when the pressure difference changes over a wide range. Tested structures can be rec-ommended for high-rise buildings to ensure the required tightness.
BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov
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