
Suleymanov K.1,Lesovik V.1,Pogorelova I.1,Ryabchevskiy I.1


1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov


The method of image analysis of the front surface of cellular concrete is an innovative way to obtain detailed and reliable data on the structure of the material at both the macro and micro levels. This characteristic is key to a deep understanding of the characteristics of the material. The main advantage of this method is its non-contact nature. Unlike traditional methods, which may require destruction of the sample during analysis, image analysis allows examination without any impact on the integrity of the material, which is especially important since this approach ensures that the sample is preserved for subsequent studies. The article presents a method developed by the authors for determining the porosity of cellular concrete. A feature of this method is the filling of the pores of the front surface with crushed amorphous carbon, followed by obtaining an image of the front surface using a digital camera, and then its processing and analysis. The results obtained using the developed method show high convergence with the results obtained using traditional methods for analyzing images of porous structures. Thus, the use of image analysis method represents a promising approach to determining the porosity of cellular concrete, providing high accuracy of data with minimal impact on the object of study.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

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