
Буланин В.1,Bulanin V.2


1. ООО "Инновационные технологии - Энергетика"

2. LLC "Innovative technologies – Energy"


The main energy-consuming element of the heat supply system of cities and settlements is a source of heat energy. In connection with the need to minimize the cost of fuel and electricity for heat supply, the article presents an analysis of the energy balance of the steam turbine installation, on the basis of which new analytical expressions are developed that comprehensively characterize the efficiency of the power plant. In 2000 еру RD 153-34.1-09.163-00 "Model program of energy audits of thermal power plants and district boiler houses of joint-stock companies of power and electrification of Russia" was enacted. Some aspects of the analysis of the energy balance of the steam turbine installation using the relative increase in heat consumption for condensation power generation are considered. An analytical assessment of the impact of energy costs on the boiler unit's own needs on the energy balance of the thermal power plant is made.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

Reference13 articles.

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