
Sekretarev Yury1,Myatezh Tatyana1,Moshkin Boris1,Volosatov Roman1


1. Novosibirsk State Technical University


Since when optimizing the operating modes of a hydroelectric power station as part of a water management complex (WMC), it is necessary to take into account the mutually contradictory requirements of its participants in combination with a synergetic approach to solving the problem, taking into account the principles of emergence, we can talk about its multi-criterial nature. Therefore, the work uses a Pareto-optimal set to find a compromise solution for determining the reservoir drawdown-filling mode, which would ensure not only the issuance of guaranteed hydroelectric power station capacities, but also the satisfaction of the requirements of all participants in the water management complex. The criteria are economic and environmental criteria. In this case, the mutually contradictory requirements of the WMC participants are taken into account based on filling the contradiction matrix. In general, it is formed by deficit conditions of the water management complex, i. e. it depends on the expectation of a deficit of flow, its distribution between the components of the complex and the cost of compensatory measures aimed at maintaining the water and material balance of the region. The relationship between the parameters of the reservoir, the distribution of output between the parameters of the complex, the structure of the installed capacities and the production costs of the EWHC is revealed. The authors have created an optimization model that allows, based on the obtained compromise solutions using economic and environmental criteria, due to which, using the example of the Novosibirsk WHC, it was possible to find the optimal mode for managing the capacity of the hydroelectric power station reservoir and achieve an improvement in environmental parameters, which improves the conditions for water transport.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

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