
Sopin M.1,Klyuev Sergey1,Ageeva Marina1,Lesovik R.1,Bogusevich G.1


1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov


The article considers the possibility of using composite binders and magnetite as components of concrete with radiation-proof properties. The use of the developed concrete is possible not only when it is necessary to build nuclear power plants, but also to create bunkers or anti-radiation shelters. A special feature of concretes used for the protection and design of nuclear reactor cranes is their properties, which they must have. These properties include: low thermal conductivity, increased density, high temperature resistance, reduced values of the coefficient of thermal expansion, shrinkage and creep. Technogenic raw materials for the production of very heavy concrete are studied, the main physical and mechanical characteristics, the requirements that need to be considered in the selection of raw mix composition for protective concrete are analyzed. The paper presents a comparison of physical and mechanical characteristics, the advantages and disadvantages of introducing a binder of various types: cement, cement with a superlasticizer and a binder of low water consumption. It was found that the use of a low-water-consumption binder increases the physical and mechanical characteristics while reducing the consumption of cement in the raw material mix compared to traditional heavy concrete with cement.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


General Medicine

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