1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov
the paper considers a method for creating microclimate parameters in the rooms of shopping centers, sports complexes, etc. The possibility of using a complex system including air heating, ventilation and air conditioning is shown on the example of a shopping hall. To improve the efficiency of the system, it is proposed to replace traditional water heating with air heating, which works by using a gas burner-heat exchanger. For the rooms of a shopping center in the city of Saint Petersburg, the thermal engineering calculation of external fences was performed, and the heat capacity of the heating system was determined. Based on the results of the heat and air balance of the grocery shopping area, the performance of the ventilation and air conditioning system is calculated. An autonomous monoblock unit for air treatment was selected. During the cold period, the unit performs the functions of air heating and ventilation. Air recirculation is provided to save heat energy. The amount of outdoor and recirculating air is calculated. During the warm period, air is cooled and dehumidified by using a compression refrigeration cycle. The proposed integrated system for creating the required parameters of the microclimate allows reducing material costs by using a gas burner-heat exchanger instead of a heat point for water heating, as well as using a cheaper energy source and heat recovery through a heat pump.
BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov
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