
Abramyan S.1,Burlachenko O.1,Oganesyan O.1


1. Volgograd State Technical University


the article discusses the relevance of the use of composite materials in the reconstruction of exposed to heavy loads of concrete and reinforced concrete floors of industrial buildings. It is noted that at the present stage of development of the construction industry special attention is paid to the use of steel fibreconcrete, as this material allows with minimal material and labor costs to carry out work on the reconstruction of industrial floors. The novelty of this study is the use as an adhesive between the existing floor, which is to be restored and strengthened, and the newly laid steel-fiber concrete layer of polymer-bitumen composite material with the addition of cement and graphite powder, previously obtained by the authors experimentally. This material with the required thickness is also a structural layer for leveling the surface of the lower layer, reducing friction under the sole of the upper steel-fiber concrete layer and the existing floor. The paper presents the technology of work in the reconstruction. The composition of the steel-fiber concrete layer is adopted on the basis of studies by other authors. Despite the fact that the experiments proved the solidity and strength of the reconstruction of the floor by the developed technology, the article notes that the final characteristics of the proposed floor design and technology can be identified only during operation, which can be the basis for further research on optimizing the thickness of the layers proposed for use of composite materials. For the evaluation of economic efficiency of application of these composite materials in the reconstruction of the concrete floors in the course of the experiment, there are revealed some figures for labor and material costs.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


General Medicine

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