
Tolypin D.A.1,Tolypina N.1


1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov


the article proposes a rational method for processing 3D printing concrete scrap using vibration equipment, which allows obtaining a multicomponent building material with minimal electricity consumption. As a crite-rion for the degree of grinding of concrete scrap, it is proposed to use the specific surface area of the finely dispersed part of concrete scrap, which should correspond to 400-500 m2/kg. The possibility of reusing the resulting product instead of the traditional fine aggregate of quartz sand is shown. It was found that the con-crete scrap without the addition of Portland cement hardens, reaching up to 48% of the compressive strength of the control samples by 28 days. When 10% of the binder CEM I 42.5 N was added to the concrete scrap processing product, the compressive strength of fine-grained concrete increased by 106.6%, and 20% of Portland cement - by 112.2 %, compared to the strength of control samples of a similar composition on tra-ditional quartz sand after 28 days of hardening. It is noted that this is primarily due to the weak contact zone of quartz sand and the cement matrix of concrete. The use of the product of processing concrete scrap al-lows obtaining building composites based on it with the complete exclusion of natural raw materials


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


General Medicine

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