Axion dark matter and additional BSM aspects in an extended 2HDM setup


Arcadi Giorgio12ORCID,Khan Sarif3ORCID


1. Università degli Studi di Messina

2. INFN Sezione di Catania

3. Georg-August University Göttingen


We illustrate and discuss the phenomenology of a model featuring a two-Higgs doublet sector augmented by two SU(2) singlet scalars. The gauge symmetry group is extended as well with a U(1)LμLτ component whose spontaneous breaking leads to the gauge boson which has an important effect in the muon (g2). A global PQ symmetry is introduced upon its breaking; we have the axion particle which is also dark matter (DM) in our work. In particular, we have focused on type-X and type-II 2HDM models and found out that (g2) cannot be explained only by the scalar sector for type-II 2HDM mainly due to stringent constraint from bsγ resulted in MH±>800GeV. For type-II 2HDM, we can have axion coupling with the gluons which generates the axion potential and possible explanation for the strong CP problem. The proposed model accommodates neutrino masses via the type-I seesaw mechanism with an upper bound on the right-handed neutrino mass 1 GeV (1 TeV) for type-II (type-X) 2HDM due to the presence of Planck scale suppressed operators. Moreover, we also have additional scalars which affect the oblique parameters and hence the W-boson mass which leads us to explain the W-boson mass observed at the CDF-II detector. The most stringent constraints on the masses and quartic couplings come from the perturbativity and potential bound from the below conditions which leads to fine-tuning among the parameters in part of the parameter space. Finally, we discuss the possible detection prospects of the axion DM and the additional gauge boson. Published by the American Physical Society 2024


American Physical Society (APS)







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