1. Tohoku University
2. Universidade de Lisboa
Landau levels are the eigenstates of a charged particle in two dimensions under a magnetic field and are at the heart of the integer and fractional quantum Hall effects, which are two prototypical phenomena showing topological features. Following recent discoveries of fractional quantum Hall phases in van der Waals materials, there is a rapid progress in understanding of the precise condition under which the fractional quantum Hall phases can be stabilized. It is now understood that the key to obtaining the fractional quantum Hall phases is the energy band whose eigenstates are holomorphic functions in both real and momentum space coordinates. Landau levels are indeed examples of such energy bands with an additional special property of having flat geometrical features. In this paper, we prove that, in fact, the only energy eigenstates having holomorphic wave functions with a flat geometry are the Landau levels and their higher Chern number analogs. Since it has been known that any holomorphic eigenstates can be constructed from the ones with a flat geometry such as the Landau levels, our uniqueness proof of the Landau levels allows one to construct any possible holomorphic eigenstate with which the fractional quantum Hall phases can be stabilized.
Published by the American Physical Society
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Japan Science and Technology Agency
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
American Physical Society (APS)