Decay of a microsecond seniority 3 isomeric state in Hf155


Alayed B.12,Page R. D.2ORCID,Joss D. T.2,Uusitalo J.32,Qi C.4,Briscoe A. D.23,AlAqeel M. A. M.562,Andel B.7,Antalic S.7,Auranen K.3,Ayatollahzadeh H.8,Badran H.3,Barber L.9,Beeton G.8,Birova M.10,Bogdanoff V.3,Cubiss J. G.11,Cullen D. M.9,Deary J.8,Forsberg U.3,Grahn T.3,Greenlees P. T.3,Hilton J. B.23,Illana A.3,Joukainen H.3,Judson D. S.2,Julin R.3,Jutila H.3,Keatings J. M.8,Labiche M.12,Leino M.3,Lewis M. C.2,Louko J.3,Luoma M.3,Martel I.213,McCarter A.2,McKee P. P.8,Mosat P.7,Nathaniel S. N.2,Neuvonen O.3,O'Donnell D.8,Ojala J.3,Page C. A. A.11,Plaza A. M.23,Pakarinen J.3,Papadakis P.12,Parr E.2,Partanen J.3,Rahkila P.3,Romero J.23,Ruotsalainen P.3,Sandzelius M.3,Sarén J.3,Saygi B.141516,Smallcombe J.217,Smith J. F.8,Sorri J.18,Sullivan C. M.2,Szwec S.3,Tann H.23,Tolosa-Delgado A.3,Uusikylä E.3,Venhart M.10,Waring L. J.2,Zimba G.319


1. Qassim University

2. University of Liverpool

3. University of Jyväskylä

4. Royal Institute of Technology

5. Physics Department

6. Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University

7. Comenius University in Bratislava

8. University of the West of Scotland

9. University of Manchester

10. Slovak Academy of Sciences

11. University of York

12. Daresbury Laboratory

13. University of Huelva

14. Ankara University

15. Nuclear Energy Research Institute

16. Turkish Energy Nuclear and Mineral Research Agency

17. Japan Atomic Energy Agency

18. University of Oulu

19. Facility for Rare Isotope Beams


Excited states in the neutron-deficient nuclide Hf155 have been investigated in experiments performed at the Accelerator Laboratory of the University of Jyväskylä. The Hf155 nuclei were produced in fusion-evaporation reactions induced by beams of 295 and 315 MeV Ni58 ions bombarding an isotopically enriched Pd102 target and separated using the recoil mass separator MARA. An isomeric state having a half-life of 510(30) ns was discovered and is interpreted as a seniority υ=3, (πh11/22νf7/2)27/2 configuration. The γ-ray transitions emitted in the deexcitation of the isomeric state to the ground state were identified and a level scheme was constructed, from which the excitation energy of the isomer was determined to be 2581.5(10) keV. A B(E2) value of 0.45(3) W.u. was deduced for the 105.4 keV transition depopulating the isomeric state. The deduced level scheme and B(E2) value are compared with systematics and shell-model calculations. Published by the American Physical Society 2024


Science and Technology Facilities Council

Seventh Framework Programme

Agentúra na Podporu Výskumu a Vývoja

Vedecká Grantová Agentúra MŠVVaŠ SR a SAV

European Regional Development Fund

U.S. Department of Energy

Academy of Finland


American Physical Society (APS)







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