Interferometry of Non-Abelian Band Singularities and Euler Class Topology


Breach Oliver12ORCID,Slager Robert-Jan1ORCID,Ünal F. Nur1ORCID


1. Cavendish Laboratory

2. Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics


In systems with a real Bloch Hamiltonian band nodes can be characterized by a non-Abelian frame-rotation charge. The ability of these band nodes to annihilate pairwise is path dependent, since by braiding nodes in adjacent gaps the sign of their charges can be changed. Here, we theoretically construct and numerically confirm two concrete methods to experimentally probe these non-Abelian braiding processes and charges in ultracold atomic systems. We consider a coherent superposition of two bands that can be created by moving atoms through the band singularities at some angle in momentum space. Analyzing the dependency of excitations on the frame charges, we demonstrate an interferometry scheme passing through two band nodes, which reveals the relative frame charges and allows for measuring the multigap topological invariant. The second method relies on a single wave packet probing two nodes sequentially, where the frame charges can be determined from the band populations. Our results present a feasible avenue for measuring non-Abelian charges of band nodes and the direct experimental verification of braiding procedures, which can be applied in a variety of settings including the recently discovered anomalous non-Abelian phases arising under periodic driving. Published by the American Physical Society 2024


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Leverhulme Trust

H2020 European Research Council

Royal Society

Trinity College, University of Cambridge

H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

European Commission

Simons Foundation

Aspen Center for Physics

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation


American Physical Society (APS)







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