1. Peking University
2. University College London
The concept of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model, which was successfully introduced in topological photonics, can also be applied to the study of topological excitonics. Here we study the topological properties of a one-dimensional excitonic tight-binding model formed by two-level systems by taking into account the charge transfer and local excitations. The interactions between the two types of excitons give rise to a rich spectrum of physics, including the nontrivial topological phase in the uniform chain, unlike the conventional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model, the topologically nontrivial flat bands, and, most importantly, the excitonic topological phase transition assisted by the Dexter electron exchange process. The excitonic topological phase leads to the development of “chiral superposition.” The topological edge states are robust because they are protected by the inversion symmetry. Based on our calculations, experiments for observing the edge states optically in a molecular chain are proposed.
Published by the American Physical Society
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Horizon 2020
American Physical Society (APS)