1. Volgograd Plague Control Research Institute
2. Volgograd Regional Center of Blood
3. Volgograd Regional Veterinary Laboratory
Relevance.Naturalandclimaticconditions,a variety of species composition of arthropods and vertebrates determine the possibility of circulation of arboviruses in the Volgograd region. The existence of natural foci of some arbovirus infections and the possibility of the formation of others suggests the need for annual monitoring of the causative agents of arbovirus diseases.Аim.EvaluationoftheresultsofmonitoringofarbovirusinfectionsintheVolgogradregionin2019.Materials and methods:806bloodserumsamplesfromdonors,44bloodserumsamplesfromfebrilesickpeople,300bloodserumsamplesfromhorsesand94poolsofblood-suckingmosquitoeswereexaminedbyimmunofernalanalysis.ResultofthestudyofserumsamplesfromdonorsintheVolgogradregion,in140(17.4%)of806werefoundtohaveantibodiestothepathogenofWestNilefever(in35(4.3%)– IgM, in 105 (13.0%) – IgG), in 7 (2.2%) of 319 – to the Crimean hemorrhagic fever virus (in 4 (1.3%) – IgM, in 3 (0.9%) –IgG), and in 7 (2.9%) of 240 – IgG to the viruses of the California serogroup. Specific antibodies against viruses of Sindbis, Batai and Uukuniemi in the samples was not detected. The largest number of positive samples with the presence of IgG and IgM to the West Nile virus was found among residents of Volgograd (61 out of 240, 25.4%) and Volzhsky (25 out of 100, 25, 0%). Among 44 blood serums of febrile patients, 1 sample (2.3%) was found to contain an antigen of the Sindbis virus, and 2 samples (4.5%) – antigens California serogroup viruses. Specific immunoglobulins against West Nile virus were detected in 84 (28%) of 300 blood serums of farm animals (horses). In the study of 94 samples of field material (blood-sucking mosquitoes), West Nile virus antigen was detected in 14 (14.9%), Sindbis virus – in one sample (1.0%), Batai virus – in four samples (4.2%). Conclusions:theobtainedresults,alongwiththecirculationofWestNilevirusandCrimeanhemorrhagicfevervirusvirusintheVolgogradregion,indicatethepresenceofSindbis,BataiandCaliforniaserogroupvirusesandnecessitatefurtherstudyoftheirroleintheinfectiouspathologyofthepopulation.
Infectious Diseases,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Epidemiology
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