Comparative Evaluation of Proteolytic and Superoxide Dismutase Activities of Yersinia pestis Strains with Different Plasmid imposition


Yur’Eva O. V.,Dubrovina V. I.,Mukhturgin G. B.,Ivanova T. A.,Korytov K. M.,Tokmakova E. G.,Balakhonov S. V.


Data of the proteolytic and superoxide dismutase activities of Yersinia pestis strains with different plasmid spectrum are presented. It was established that superoxide dismutase activity of the tested Y. pestis strains was not associated with its plasmid composition. Some differences were revealed concerning the proteolytic activity. Direct dependence of proteolytic activity level of the studied Y. pestis strains on pYV plasmid presence in its genome was found.


LLC Numicom


Infectious Diseases,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Epidemiology

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