AbstractThis account summarizes the author’s endeavors in target-oriented synthesis at Seoul National University since 2011. A collection of the most celebrated molecules in total synthesis are revisited and the author’s solutions to these historical challenges are presented. In particular, the unique perception of their molecular frameworks and unprecedented bond-forming sequences form the basis of the newly developed strategies. Together with a ‘personal touch’ on these selected stories, the author hopes that this account will offer new insights and fresh perspectives for all levels of enthusiasts of target-oriented total synthesis.1 Introduction2.1 Synthesis of Strychnine2.2 Synthesis of Actinophyllic Acid2.3 Synthesis of Dendrobine2.4 Synthesis of Communesin2.5 Synthesis of Morphinans2.6 Synthesis of Reserpine2.7 Synthesis of Quinine and Quinidine2.8 Synthesis of Haouamine2.9 Future Work3 Summary and Outlook4 Abbreviations
National Research Foundation of Korea
Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning