Small-bowel capsule endoscopy and device-assisted enteroscopy for diagnosis and treatment of small-bowel disorders: European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) Guideline – Update 2022


Pennazio Marco1ORCID,Rondonotti Emanuele2ORCID,Despott Edward J.3,Dray Xavier4,Keuchel Martin5,Moreels Tom6,Sanders David S.7,Spada Cristiano89,Carretero Cristina10,Cortegoso Valdivia Pablo11ORCID,Elli Luca12ORCID,Fuccio Lorenzo13ORCID,Gonzalez Suarez Begona14,Koulaouzidis Anastasios15ORCID,Kunovsky Lumir161718ORCID,McNamara Deirdre19,Neumann Helmut20ORCID,Perez-Cuadrado-Martinez Enrique21,Perez-Cuadrado-Robles Enrique22ORCID,Piccirelli Stefania8,Rosa Bruno232425,Saurin Jean-Christophe26,Sidhu Reena2728,Tacheci Ilja29ORCID,Vlachou Erasmia30,Triantafyllou Konstantinos31ORCID


1. University Division of Gastroenterology, City of Health and Science University Hospital, University of Turin, Turin, Italy

2. Gastroenterology Unit, Valduce Hospital, Como, Italy

3. Royal Free Unit for Endoscopy, The Royal Free Hospital and UCL Institute for Liver and Digestive Health, London, UK

4. Sorbonne University, Endoscopy Unit, AP-HP, Hôpital Saint-Antoine, Paris, France

5. Clinic for Internal Medicine, Agaplesion Bethesda Krankenhaus Bergedorf, Hamburg, Germany

6. Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University Hospital Saint-Luc, Brussels, Belgium

7. Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Gastroenterology Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

8. Digestive Endoscopy Unit and Gastroenterology, Fondazione Poliambulanza, Brescia, Italy

9. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy

10. Department of Gastroenterology. University of Navarre Clinic, Healthcare Research Institute of Navarre, Pamplona, Spain

11. Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Unit, University Hospital of Parma, University of Parma, Parma, Italy

12. Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Unit, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milan, Italy

13. IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, Gastroenterology Unit, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy

14. Gastroenterology Department – ICMDiM, Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, DIBAPS, CiBERHED, Barcelona, Spain

15. Centre for Clinical Implementation of Capsule Endoscopy, Store Adenomer Tidlige Cancere Center, Svendborg, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

16. 2nd Department of Internal Medicine – Gastroenterology and Geriatrics, University Hospital Olomouc, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacky University Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic

17. Department of Surgery, University Hospital Brno, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

18. Department of Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy, Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute, Brno, Czech Republic

19. TAGG Research Centre, Department of Clinical Medicine, Trinity Centre, Tallaght Hospital, Dublin, Ireland

20. Department of Medicine I, University Medical Center Mainz, Mainz, Germany

21. Sección de Aparato Digestivo, Area VI, Hospital Morales Meseguer, Murcia, Spain

22. Department of Gastroenterology, Georges-Pompidou European Hospital, Paris, France

23. Department of Gastroenterology, Hospital da Senhora da Oliveira, Guimarães, Portugal

24. Life and Health Sciences Research Institute, School of Medicine, University of Minho, Braga/Guimarães, Portugal

25. ICVS/3B’s, PT Government Associate Laboratory, Braga/Guimarães, Portugal

26. Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Unit, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Hôpital E. Herriot, Lyon, France

27. Academic Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, Sheffield, United Kingdom

28. Department of Infection, Immunity and Cardiovascular Diseases, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom

29. 2nd Department of Internal Medicine – Gastroenterology, University Hospital Hradec Králové, Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové, Czech Republic

30. Army Share Fund Hospital (NIMTS), Athens, Greece

31. Hepatogastroenterology Unit, Second Department of Internal Medicine – Propaedeutic, Research Institute and Diabetes Center, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Attikon University General Hospital, Athens, Greece


Main Recommendations MR1 ESGE recommends small-bowel capsule endoscopy as the first-line examination, before consideration of other endoscopic and radiological diagnostic tests for suspected small-bowel bleeding, given the excellent safety profile of capsule endoscopy, its patient tolerability, and its potential to visualize the entire small-bowel mucosa.Strong recommendation, moderate quality evidence. MR2 ESGE recommends small-bowel capsule endoscopy in patients with overt suspected small-bowel bleeding as soon as possible after the bleeding episode, ideally within 48 hours, to maximize the diagnostic and subsequent therapeutic yield.Strong recommendation, high quality evidence. MR3 ESGE does not recommend routine second-look endoscopy prior to small-bowel capsule endoscopy in patients with suspected small-bowel bleeding or iron-deficiency anemia.Strong recommendation, low quality evidence. MR4 ESGE recommends conservative management in those patients with suspected small-bowel bleeding and high quality negative small-bowel capsule endoscopy.Strong recommendation, moderate quality evidence. MR5 ESGE recommends device-assisted enteroscopy to confirm and possibly treat lesions identified by small-bowel capsule endoscopy.Strong recommendation, high quality evidence. MR6 ESGE recommends the performance of small-bowel capsule endoscopy as a first-line examination in patients with iron-deficiency anemia when small bowel evaluation is indicated.Strong recommendation, high quality evidence. MR7 ESGE recommends small-bowel capsule endoscopy in patients with suspected Crohn’s disease and negative ileocolonoscopy findings as the initial diagnostic modality for investigating the small bowel, in the absence of obstructive symptoms or known bowel stenosis.Strong recommendation, high quality evidence. MR8 ESGE recommends, in patients with unremarkable or nondiagnostic findings from dedicated small-bowel cross-sectional imaging, small-bowel capsule endoscopy as a subsequent investigation if deemed likely to influence patient management.Strong recommendation, low quality evidence. MR9 ESGE recommends, in patients with established Crohn’s disease, the use of a patency capsule before small-bowel capsule endoscopy to decrease the capsule retention rate.Strong recommendation, moderate quality evidence. MR10 ESGE recommends device-assisted enteroscopy (DAE) as an alternative to surgery for foreign bodies retained in the small bowel requiring retrieval in patients without acute intestinal obstruction.Strong recommendation, moderate quality evidence. MR11 ESGE recommends DAE-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (DAE-ERCP) as a first-line endoscopic approach to treat pancreaticobiliary diseases in patients with surgically altered anatomy (except for Billroth II patients).Strong recommendation, moderate quality evidence.


Georg Thieme Verlag KG



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