1. Institute of Epidemiology and Medical Biometry, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany
2. Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital Rosenheim, Rosenheim, Germany
3. Diabetes Practice Dr. Best, Essen, Germany
4. Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital for Metabolism and Diabetes Karlsburg, Karlsburg, Germany
5. Curschmann Hospital Dr. Guth, Timmendorfer Strand, Germany
6. Diabetes Center, Hospital Tettnang, Tettnang, Germany
7. Department of Internal Medicine I and Diabetology, Evangelical Hospital Mittelhessen, Gießen, Germany
8. Department of Internal Medicine I, University of Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany
9. Department of Internal Medicine, St. Vincenz Hospital, Limburg, Germany
10. III. Medical Department, Hospital Hietzing, Wien, Austria
11. Agaplesion Bethesda Hospital Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
12. Department for General Internal Medicine, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Geriatric Medicine, HELIOS Kliniken Schwerin, Schwerin, Germany