Human Factors and Organizational Issues in Health Informatics: Innovations and Opportunities


Marquard Jenna1


1. University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA, USA


Objective: Human factors and ergonomics (HF/E) frameworks and methods are becoming embedded in the health informatics community. There is now broad recognition that health informatics tools must account for the diverse needs, characteristics, and abilities of end users, as well as their context of use. The objective of this review is to synthesize the current nature and scope of HF/E integration into the health informatics community. Methods: Because the focus of this synthesis is on understanding the current integration of the HF/E and health informatics research communities, we manually reviewed all manuscripts published in primary HF/E and health informatics journals during 2020. Results: HF/E-focused health informatics studies included in this synthesis focused heavily on EHR customizations, specifically clinical decision support customizations and customized data displays, and on mobile health innovations. While HF/E methods aimed to jointly improve end user safety, performance, and satisfaction, most HF/E-focused health informatics studies measured only end user satisfaction. Conclusion: HF/E-focused health informatics researchers need to identify and communicate methodological standards specific to health informatics, to better synthesize findings across resource intensive HF/E-focused health informatics studies. Important gaps in the HF/E design and evaluation process should be addressed in future work, including support for technology development platforms and training programs so that health informatics designers are as diverse as end users.


Georg Thieme Verlag KG


General Medicine

Reference102 articles.

1. Human Factors and Usability for Health Information Technology: Old and New Challenges;P Carayon;Yearb Med Inform,2019

2. NISTIR 7741: NIST Guide to the Processes Approach for Improving the Usability of Electronic Health Records;Schumacher;NISTIR Tech [Internet],2010







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