1. Institut für Diabetes-Technologie, Forschungs- und
Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH an der Universität Ulm, Lise-Meitner-Straße 8/2,
D-89081 Ulm
Introduction The German Diabetes Association recommends using sampling
tubes with citrate and fluoride additives to diagnose diabetes by oral glucose
tolerance test to inhibit glycolysis. The effect of different tubes on
measurement results was assessed.
Materials and Methods In a first study, an oral glucose tolerance test was
performed on 41 participants without anamnestically known diabetes. Venous blood
was sampled in two different tubes with citrate/fluoride additives from
different manufacturers and one with only lithium-heparin additive. A second
study with 42 participants was performed to verify the initial results with an
adapted design, in which a third tube with citrate buffer was used, and glucose
measurements were performed on two additional devices of another analyser model.
Samples were centrifuged either immediately (<5 min incubation time) or after
20 min or 4 h. All glucose measurements were performed in plasma. Glucose
concentrations in lithium-heparin tubes with<5 min incubation time served as
baseline concentrations.
Results In the first study, glucose concentrations in one of the
citrate/fluoride tubes were similar to the baseline. In the other
citrate/fluoride tube, markedly lower concentrations (approximately − 5 mg/dL
(− 0.28 mmol/L)) were measured. This was reproduced in the verification study
for the same analyser, but not with the other analyser model. Lithium-heparin
tubes centrifuged after 20 and 240 min showed systematically lower glucose
Conclusions The results confirm that glycolysis can be effectively
inhibited in citrate/fluoride-containing sampling tubes. However, glucose
measurement results of one analyser showed a relevant negative bias in tubes
containing liquid citrate buffer.