obtained his B.Sc. (joint honors in chemistry & biology, 1988) from NUI-Maynooth and his Ph.D. from University College Dublin, Ireland (1993, supervisor: W. Ivo. O’Sullivan). After postdoctoral studies with Steve Davies (Oxford, 1993–1996) and Chris Maycock (ITQB Portugal, 1996–1999) and working for a year as a lecturer in analytical chemistry at Instituto Piaget: Instituto Superior de Estudos Interculturais e Transdisciplinares, Almada, Portugal, he accepted a position as assistant professor in organic chemistry, at the University Évora. He obtained the title of aggregation (‘habilitation’) in organic chemistry from the University of Évora in 2012 and was recently appointed to the position of associate professor at the same department. He was chairman for of 1st, 2nd and 3rd editions of the International Symposium on Synthesis and Catalysis (ISySyCat), and is actively planning the 4th edition for 31 Aug to 3 September, 2021. He was appointed a Fellow of ChemPubSoc Europe in Feb 2020.