Bjørklid E,Storm-Mathisen J,Storm E,Prydz H
SummaryMonospecific antisera against the purified protein component of tissue thromboplastin (apoprotein-III) from human brain have been raised in goats and rabbits. The antisera neutralized tissue thromboplastin prepared from brain, thyroid gland and pulmonary tissue, indicating that apoproteins in the various preparations cross-reacted immunologically and therefore were similar or identical.Comparison of the activities of tissue thromboplastin preparations from 34 different areas of the brain demonstrated a characteristic distribution pattern and a wide range of activities. White and grey matter from the same areas had similar activities. Bulbus and tractus olfac-torius, medulla oblongata, corpus pineale, hippocampus and hypothalamus contained 160–270 % of the average activity, whereas cerebellum, globus pallidus, nucleus ruber and substantia nigra contained 30–60 %. The distinct distribution pattern was unrelated to tissue vascularization, and may suggest that apoprotein-III could serve other functions, apart from the coagulation of blood. The predominance in phylogenetically older brain regions would suggest that it represents a primitive or fundamental feature.
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