Development of an ELISA for Autoantibodies to Prothrombin Showing their Prevalence in Patients with Lupus Anticoagulants


Arvieux J1,Darnige L2,Caron C3,Reber G4,Bensa J C1,Colomb M G5


1. The Laboratoire d’lmnnunologie, Centre de Transfusion Sanguine, Grenoble, France

2. The Département de Biologie Clinique, CH Compiègne, France

3. The Laboratoire d’Hématologie B, CHU Lille, France

4. The Haemostasis unit, Geneva University Hospital, Switzerland

5. The CEA Laboratoire d’lmmunochimie, Inserm U238, DBMS, CEN-G, Grenoble, France


SummarySome lupus anticoagulants (LA) have been shown to be directed against phospholipid-bound prothrombin. While developing an ELISA to detect anti-prothrombin autoantibodies in patient serum or plasma, no or very low signal was observed using human prothrombin immobilized on plain polystyrene plates. In contrast, the same LA-positive samples bound specifically to prothrombin coated on γ-irradiated plates, depending on the radiation dose, in the absence of added calcium and phospholipid. Optimization of the assay required the addition of 0.1% Tween 20 to the buffers. Antibody specificity for immobilized prothrombin was ascertained by competition using liposome-bound prothrombin, since fluid-phase prothrombin competed poorly. Seventy-seven of 139 patients (55.4%) with LA related to a variety of underlying diseases possessed anti-prothrombin antibodies (27 IgG, 35 IgM and 15 both isotypes), either isolated or more often associated with anti-(β2 glycoprotein I (β2GPI) antibodies. These included 67-71% of the patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and related disorders, primary antiphospholipid antibody syndrome or drug-induced LA (autoimmune groups), but only 19-20% of those with infection or malignancy (p <0.001). As previously shown for anti-β2GPI antibodies, IgG2 was the predominant IgG subclass reactive with prothrombin. Thus, autoimmune patients with LA have a high incidence of antibodies to β2GPI and prothrombin, the binding of which could similarly require high antigen density and/or exposure of cryptic epitopes resulting from protein interaction with an irradiated (i. e. more anionic) polystyrene surface.


Georg Thieme Verlag KG









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