Posterior Tibial Neuropathy Secondary to Pseudoaneurysm of the Proximal Segment of the Anterior Tibial Artery with Delayed Onset


Rahimizadeh Abolfazl1,Davaee Manuchehr1,Shariati Majid1,Rahimizadeh Shaghayegh1


1. Pars Advanced and Minimally Invasive Medical Manners Research Center, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


AbstractAnterior tibial artery is a nonvital artery which is one of the three arteries of the leg. This artery has a short proximal l segment in the popliteal region and a long segment in the anterior compartment of the leg designated as distal segment. With consideration of the deep location of the proximal segment in the popliteal fossa, it is less susceptible to trauma and subsequent formation of an aneurysm. On the contrary, the superficial long distal segment is more susceptible to trauma with high chance of pseudoaneurysm formation at the site of unrecognized injury. In this article, a 38-year-old military man being manifested about a decade after a trivial missile fragment injury with progressive posterior tibial neuropathy is presented. A giant pseudoaneurysm arising from the proximal segment of the anterior tibial artery was confirmed with angiography and the exact size of this pathology was documented with contrasted computed tomographic scan. The aneurysmal sac removal was accomplished after ligation of the corresponding artery proximal and distal to the sac followed by tibial nerve neurolysis which result in full recovery. In careful review we found that neither pseudoaneurysm arising from the proximal tibial artery nor posterior tibial neuropathy due to the compressive effect of the aneurysmal sac of this segment has been reported previously. Our primary purpose for reporting this case is not to describe the rarity of pseudoaneurysm formation at proximal segment of this artery but rather to describe delayed-onset posterior tibial vascular compressive neuropathy due to such an aneurysm. Eventually due to the potential sequel of a pseudoaneurysm, it is important for the surgeons to have high index of suspicion to prevent a missed or delayed diagnosis.


Georg Thieme Verlag KG


Clinical Neurology,Neurology

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