Third metacarpal bone mineral density assessment in the standing horse by dual X-ray absorptiometry


Delguste C.,Perona G.,Lebecque P.,Duboeuf F.,Lepage O.,Martin-Rosset W.,Donabedian M.


SummaryBone mineral density (BMD) is correlated to mechanical properties of bone. In the horse, dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) has yet only been performed ex-vivo, but a new portable DXA device would be ideal for in-vivo BMD measurement. We explored field suitability, precision and accuracy of this device for in-vivo third metacarpal density assessment. Precision was analysed by calculating measurement variation under repeated measurement tests with (reproducibility) and without (repeatability) limb repositioning. Repeatability and reproducibility were tested ex-vivo, at the same time that intra- and inter-operator reproducibility were assessed in-vivo. In order to test accuracy, bone mineral content (BMC) of several bone samples determined by DXA and ashing were compared. Repeatability was 1.47% and reproducibility 1.69% ex-vivo. In-vivo reproducibility varied between 2.91 and 4.06% for intraoperator test and between 3.13 and 5.53% for interoperator test. BMC measured by DXA and ash weight were highly correlated (R2>0.99). In conclusion, under described conditions this DXA device is usable, accurate and precise. Its sensitiveness reaches 8.23% in an individual longitudinal monitoring. Using the third metacarpal bone as an example, we have shown that this device is suitable for experimental or clinical monitoring.


Georg Thieme Verlag KG


General Veterinary,Animal Science and Zoology







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