Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis in a Random Sample of 788 Men 54 Years Old


Korsan-Bengtsen Kristoffer,Wilhelmsen Lars,Tibblin Gösta


SummaryIn a population of 788 men 54 years of age plasma clotting times, factor II-VII-X activity, factor VIII, fibrinogen, fibrinolytic activity and plasminogen have been compared to anthropomorphic variables, blood lipids, blood sugar, blood pressure, heart rate, lung function and smoking.It was found by multiple regression analyses that fibrinogen, plasminogen and factor II-VII-X activity were correlated to serum cholesterol, and secondary to systolic blood pressure, heart rate and blood sugar.Independent of these correlations, fibrinogen, plasminogen and factor II-VII-X activity were also negatively correlated to FEV1 and VC which are measures of lung function.Smokers have a higher fibrinogen level than non smokers and this is not due to the decreased lung function in smokers. PTT (partial thromboplastin time) carried out in silicone tubes is correlated to serum cholesterol.There is a negative correlation between fibrinolytic activity and weight, subscapular and thorax skinfolds, chest and waist chcumference indicating that obese subjects have a low fibrinolytic activity. There is also a negative correlation between fibrinolytic activity and serum triglycerides but this is insignificant when the effect of obesity is taken into account.


Georg Thieme Verlag KG



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