1. Department of Internal Medicine 1, University Hospital Erlangen, Germany
2. Department of Internal Medicine 1, Kreisklinik Ebersberg gGmbH, Ebersberg, Germany
3. Klinik für Allgemeine Innere Medizin, Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie und Infektiologie, Katharinenhospital, Klinikum Stuttgart, Germany
4. Department of Internal Medicine 2, Universitätsmedizin Rostock, Germany
5. Department of Internal Medicine I, University Hospital Bonn, Germany
6. Medizinische Klinik 2, Caritas-Krankenhaus, Bad Mergentheim, Germany
7. Gastroenterologie und Innere Medizin, Rems-Murr-Klinikum Winnenden, Germany
8. Klinik für Gastroenterologie, Diabetologie und Infektiologie, Lausitzer Seenland Klinikum GmbH, Hoyerswerda, Germany
9. Department of Internal Medicine, Allgemeines Krankenhaus Celle, Germany
10. Department of Internal Medicine 1, J.W. Goethe University Hospital, Frankfurt, Germany
11. Institut für Medizininformatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie, FAU IMBE, Erlangen, Germany
12. Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Halle, Halle, Germany
13. Department of Internal Medicine, Hufeland-Hospital, Mühlhausen, Germany
14. Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Ulm, Germany
15. Department of Internal Medicine, Evangelisches Krankenhaus Hamm gGmbH, Hamm, Germany
16. Department of Internal Medicine, Städtisches Klinikum Karlsruhe gGmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany
17. Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
18. Department of Internal Medicine, DRK-Kliniken Berlin-Köpenick, Berlin, Germany
19. Department of Internal Medicine, Städtisches Klinikum Braunschweig gGmbH, Braunschweig, Germany
20. Department of Radiology, Universitätsklinikum Regensburg, Germany
21. Department of Internal Medicine, Klinikum Heidenheim, Germany
22. Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Universitätsklinikum Leipzig, Germany
23. Medizinische Klinik I, Klinikum Ludwigsburg, Ludwigsburg, Germany
24. Department of Internal Medicine, Klinikum Weiden, Germany
25. Internal Medicine, KH Villingen-Schwenningen, Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany
26. Department of Internal Medicine, Klinikum am Steinenberg Reutlingen, Germany
27. Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Magdeburg, Germany
28. Medical Clinic and Policlinic IV, Division of Vascular Medicine, Hospital of the Ludwig Maximilians University Hospital, Munich, Germany
29. Department of Internal Medicine, ViDia Christliche Kliniken Karlsruhe, Germany
30. Department of Internal Medicine, Innere, Kreisklinik Sigmaringen, Germany
31. Department of Internal Medicine, Universitätsklinikum Regensburg, Germany
32. Klinik für Gastroenterologie, gastrointestinale Onkologie und Endokrinologie, Universitätsmedizin Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany
33. Gastroenterology and Hepatology and Endocrinology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany
34. Department of Internal Medicine, Barmherzige Brüder Klinikum Sankt Elisabeth Straubing GmbH, Straubing, Germany
35. Department of Internal Medicine, Kreisklinikum Siegen gGmbH, Siegen, Germany
36. Department of Internal Medicine, University of Freiburg Hospital, Freiburg, Germany
37. Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Mainz, Department of Internal Medicine 3, Mainz, Germany
38. Department of Internal Medicine, Klinikum Barnim, Eberswalde, Germany
39. Department of Internal Medicine, Westküstenklinik Brunsbüttel, Brunsbüttel, Germany
40. Department of Internal Medicine I, Krankenhaus GmbH Alb-Donau-Kreis Blaubeuren, Germany
41. Department of Internal Medicine, St.-Josef-Krankenhaus Moers, Germany
42. Department of Internal Medicine, Donau-Isar-Kliniken Deggendorf, Germany
43. Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Hamburg Eppendorf Center of Internal Medicine, Hamburg, Germany
44. Internal Medicine, Klinikum Gera, Gera, Germany
45. Department of Internal Medicine, Diakonissenkrankenhaus Dresden, Germany