1. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States
Background Digital mucous cysts (DMCs) are masses on the fingers that can be definitively managed with surgical excision. Though uncommon, surgical site infections can develop into septic arthritis. We sought to determine whether postoperative splinting decreases rates of postoperative infection and the need for postoperative antibiotics. We also explored the effect of age, gender, obesity, and preoperative antibiotic administration on infectious complications.
Methods Patients who underwent DMC excision between 2011 and 2021 were retrospectively identified. Chi-squared and Fisher's exact tests were used to analyze the complication rates including documented infection, postoperative antibiotic administration, mass recurrence, and return to operating room. Associations were analyzed between both preoperative antibiotic administration and postoperative splinting with respect to postsurgical complications.
Results The database search identified 373 patients who underwent 394 DMC excisions. Postoperative antibiotics were given in splinted patients at lower rates than their nonsplinted counterparts with a small-to-moderate effect size, but the difference was not statistically significant (2.7 vs. 7.5%). Preoperative antibiotic administration was not found to significantly affect the prescription of postoperative antibiotics. Splinting did not reduce rates of DMC recurrence. Patients who were splinted were more likely to have also received preoperative antibiotics. Males were given postoperative antibiotics more frequently than females (12.6 vs. 4.0%).
Conclusions Though not statistically significant, splinted patients were prescribed postoperative antibiotics less frequently. Postoperative antibiotics were utilized more frequently than the rate of infections typically reported following this procedure, possibly indicating overcautious prescription habits or underreported suspected infections.