1. Obstetrics and Gynecology and Maternal Fetal Medicine, Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women and Babies, Orlando, FL
Heterotopic triplet pregnancy, cesarean scar ectopic pregnancy, and pregnancy following uterine ablation are all rare events that confer significant morbidity including spontaneous abortion, intrauterine fetal demise, preterm labor, abnormal placentation, and uterine rupture. A woman in her 30s, G6P4014, with a history of uterine ablation presented with delayed menses and vaginal spotting with imaging showing two intrauterine pregnancies (one with cardiac activity) and one live pregnancy at the cesarean scar. The patient was extensively counseled on risk to her and to the pregnancies; treatment options were discussed including expectant management and termination of pregnancy. The patient underwent an uncomplicated dilation and curettage with bilateral salpingectomy and was discharged home the day of the procedure in stable condition. This case highlights the potential compound effect of comorbid conditions that can pose difficulty in counseling and management.
Key Points