Horse allergy: Curly Horses can mediate immune tolerance


Mitlehner Alexandra1,Mitlehner Caspar1,Reißmann Monika2,Stoll Peter3,Swoboda Ines3,Mitlehner Wolfgang1


1. Internal Medicine, Praxis, Klappholz, Germany

2. Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institut for Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany

3. Molecular Biotechnology Section, FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences, Wien, Austria


AbstractAmerican Bashkir Curly Horses are claimed to be hypoallergenic, but this has not been clinically proven. In the present study, the effect of exposure to Curly Horses was investigated in 141 patients allergic to horses by measuring their lung function and nasal patency during Curly Horse contact. Continuous contact with Curly Horses, including riding and brushing, decreased the allergic ridersʼ reactivity as measured by FEV1, PEF, and PNIF. Subsequent visits (up to 40 or more hours of riding) further reduced reactivity to the Curly Horses. Allergic events to horses occurred only in 72 out of 1312 riding hours, mainly in the first ten riding hours.In 41 out of the 141 patients, it was further investigated whether repeated exposure to Curly Horses could induce tolerance to other horses. Patients in the tolerance induction study were tested annually for horse allergy using a nasal provocation test. The tolerance induction study showed that exposure to Curly Horses induced immune tolerance to other horses in 88% of patients who completed the study.To understand the mechanism causing hypoallergenicity, we performed IgE immunoblots to determine whether Curly Horse hairs contain IgE binding proteins. However, no differences in IgE reactivity were found between Curly and non-Curly Horses. Moreover, the immune tolerance induction study patients did not show decreased IgE reactivity to hairs from Curly or non-Curly Horses even though patients had developed tolerance. However, we did find increasing levels of anti-horse IgG antibodies in the study patients.Overall, our data strongly suggests that continuous exposure to Curly Horses can induce immune tolerance, rendering these patients non-reactive to horses. The reason for the reduced clinical allergenicity of Curly Horses remains unclear, but the data suggest that blocking IgG antibodies may be of importance for immune tolerance development.


Georg Thieme Verlag KG


Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine







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