Iatrogenic perforation management using calcium silicate cement: a case report


Chopra Viresh1


1. Fellow (Pierre Fauchard Academy), Assistant Professor, Oman Dental College; PhD researcher, Bart's and The London School of Dentistry and Medicine


The world today is literate enough about the basics of oral health conditions and available treatment options. Due to the availability of many resources on different platforms the urge to retain natural teeth rather than have extractions has increased. Dental catastrophes are sometimes unavoidable in everyday dental practice. The prime motive should be patient benefit while the general dental practitioner (GDP) identifies the risks associated with the case, availability of equipment and enhanced operator skill when deciding to the referral of the patient to a specialist. Most failed root canal treatment cases have one or more associated endodontic errors. This case report presents stepwise management of such a case of iatrogenic perforation that occurred during the initial endodontic management. It emphasizes the significance of evidence-based treatment planning, role of magnification, selection of the appropriate armamentarium for performing root canal treatment, use of bioactive materials that collectively demonstrate peri-apical healing following the repair of endodontic mishaps. It also emphasizes on the importance of recall in such cases where adequate healing can be tracked over a period. CPD/Clinical Relevance: Knowledge of management of iatrogenic perforations is useful information for clinicians.


Mark Allen Group


General Dentistry








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