Mental illness stigmatisation among Malaysian adults: a systematic review


Rajagopal Violet1,Stephenson John2,Ousey Karen3


1. Research Affiliate, University of Huddersfield

2. Reader in Biomedical Statistics, University of Huddersfield

3. Professor of Skin Integrity and Director for the Institute of Skin Integrity and Infection Prevention, University of Huddersfield


Background: Stigmatisation is considered a ‘second illness’ for people with a mental illness and is highly prevalent in Malaysia. Stigmatisation negatively impacts wellbeing, recovery and productivity. Addressing stigmatisation is integral towards people attaining a higher quality of life. Aim: To explore mental illness stigmatisation in Malaysian adults. Method: A systematic literature review was conducted using thematic analysis to synthesise and categorise evidence. Five key themes emerged, providing insight into mental health stigmatisation. Findings: Cultural beliefs, limited knowledge of mental health and lack of education on mental health were factors influencing stigmatisation. Stigmatisation significantly affected the wellbeing and functioning of people with a mental illness. Interventions such as contact-based education effectively reduce stigmatising attitudes manifested by healthcare providers. Conclusion: Establishing mental health literacy, encouraging patient contact, promoting mental health awareness and strengthening mental health policies could reduce mental illness stigmatisation and its impact in Malaysia. Future research is warranted to investigate the impact on physical wellbeing and anti-stigmatising strategies targeting the general public.


Mark Allen Group


General Nursing

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