1. Vascular Access Advanced Nurse Practitioner – Lead Vascular Access Nurse, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
2. Senior Clinical Nurse Specialist at an independent hospital in Surrey
Vascular access continues to be a key factor for the reliable and safe delivery of intravenous (IV) therapy to patients in any healthcare setting. Clinical guidelines advocate for the right vascular access device selection, in order to reduce avoidable complications, eg multiple stabs, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, insertion site infection, and blood stream infection, while improving efficiency and reducing costs. Peripheral intravenous catheters or cannulas (PIVCs) remain widely used for gaining vascular access in all clinical settings, with both adults and children, because they provide a relatively cheap and simple way to provide blood sampling and the prompt administration of IV medications. Although safe and easy to insert, PIVCs present with associated risks that can be costly to the organisation. The case studies included with this article introduce Nipro's Safetouch Cath Winged with Injection Port as a new cost-effective choice of PIVC, which is now available from NHS Supply Chain.