1. Department of Physical Therapy, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA
Background/Aims In studies exploring the effectiveness of physical therapy treatment for painful musculoskeletal conditions, interventions appear to improve patient-reported outcomes. The interventions adopt different approaches, but there is a lack of agreement about which approach is most effective. Thus, research is needed to look at the potential influence of other variables present, such as common factors. Common factors are elements present across different treatments, which are necessary conditions for forming a therapeutic alliance and providing patient-centred care. While there is a positive relationship between common factors and patient outcomes noted in physical therapy, the mechanism through which these factors influence patient outcomes is less understood. The aim of this study was to explore participants' perceptions of the influence of common factors on physical therapy outcomes. Methods Interviews were undertaken with seven individuals participating in physical therapy. The contextual model provided the framework to move beyond defining common factors to discussing how these elements contribute to the therapeutic changes seen in physical therapy. Results Participants discussed how the therapeutic relationship is influenced by perceived trust and credibility, enhanced by goal setting, and individualised care. When these common factors are present, the potential for engaging in the work of physical therapy and enacting healthy behaviours and actions by patients were enhanced. Conclusions By understanding common factors in physical therapy, a more complete view of the effects of interventions may be possible. Implications for practice This study sheds light on the clinical impact of common factors in physical therapy, highlighting the pivotal role of therapeutic relationships built on trust, credibility, and individualized care. Recognizing and integrating these common factors into practice may enhance patient engagement and foster better therapeutic outcomes in musculoskeletal conditions.