1. BSc (Hons) RVN; Cardiff.
Although progress has been made in the veterinary profession when treating brachycephalic canines, brachycephalic cats and rabbits are often overlooked in practice. There also appears to be less public awareness and limited peer-reviewed research or studies on this topic. Cats and rabbits are often presented in practice when they already have clinical signs of disease or illness, so veterinary professionals must work with brachycephalic owners to educate on breed-related illnesses and when treatment is needed. This article explores the impact of brachycephalic conformation on both brachycephalic cats and rabbits. Similar to brachycephalic canines, anatomical factors to consider include: respiratory system, obesity, dentition, dermatology, ocular health, neurological issues, temperature regulation and reproduction. Although there are some similarities to dogs, brachycephalic cats and rabbits tend to be affected by anatomical changes differently in some cases. Therefore, veterinary assessments and treatments should still be patient-, breed- and species-specific.