1. Microbiologist and Infection Control Specialist, Laboratory Medicine, Medical Microbiology, AZ Sint Lucas, Bruges
2. Researcher, Department of Nursing Science and Midwifery, Centre For Research and Innovation in Care, Nurse and Pharmaceutical Care, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Antwerp; Nursing Expert (Infection Control), Wit-Gele Kruis van Vlaanderen
3. Nursing Expert (Infection Control), Wit-Gele Kruis West-Vlaanderen
4. Infection Control Experts, Agentschap Zorg en Gezondheid, Flemish Government
5. Homecare nurses, Flemish Infection Control Group of Home Nurses, Flandres
6. Microbiologist and Infection Control Specialist, Infection Control Team, Ghent University Hospital
7. Microbiologist and Infection Control Specialist, Laboratory Medicine, Medical Microbiology, AZ Sint Jan, Bruges