Trans and non-binary experiences of maternity services: cautioning against acting without evidence


Webb Kathryn1,Rickford Rose2,Edun Charlotte3,Melamed Anna4


1. Trainee clinical psychologist, Oxford Institute of Clinical Psychology Training and Research, University of Oxford

2. Post-doctoral researcher, Faculty of History, University of Oxford

3. Research Centre for Healthcare & Communities, Institute for Health and Wellbeing, Coventry University

4. Lecturer, Department of Nursing and Midwifery, University of the West of England Bristol


Research into the experiences of trans and non-binary users of maternity services in England was recently commissioned by the Health and Wellbeing Alliance. It was conducted by the LGBT Foundation, culminating in the ‘improving trans and non-binary experiences of maternity services’ report, which made a range of recommendations for the NHS. This article argues that there are substantial problems with the framing, data collection and interpretation of data in the report, and that its findings and recommendations should therefore be viewed with substantial caution, and not be used as the basis of NHS policy. The authors further argue that caution should be taken before using the experiences of a very small minority of service users, such as those who identify as trans and non-binary, to inform policy for all service users, and instead suggest that personalised care may be the most suitable approach to meeting the specific needs of trans and non-binary maternity service users.


Mark Allen Group


Maternity and Midwifery







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