Evaluation of a termination of pregnancy education programme in the Republic of Ireland: part 1


Fletcher Antoinette1,Cowman Triona2,Cazzini Hazel3,Fleming Judith3,Healy Niamh4


1. Midwife tutor and specialist coordinator, Centre for Midwifery Education, Dublin, Ireland

2. Director, Centre for Midwifery Education, Dublin Ireland

3. Midwifery specialist coordinator, Centre for Midwifery Education, Dublin, Ireland

4. Educational technologist, Centre for Midwifery Education, Dublin, Ireland


Background/Aims The extension of termination of pregnancy services in the Republic of Ireland represents a significant change to practice. Education is required so that nurses and midwives can fulfil their expanded role. The aim of this study was to provide an evaluation of a national termination of pregnancy education programme for midwives and nurses in the Republic of Ireland. Methods Kirkpatrick's framework for evaluation was used to create an online questionnaire that captured nurses' and midwives' reactions to a training experience at a termination of pregnancy education programme and their self-assessed knowledge before and after training. Results Participation in the training programme increased the participants' knowledge and confidence in caring for women having a termination. Participants reported that the training was relevant, met their expectations and new knowledge would be used. Recommendations for programme enhancement were also received. Conclusions Participants were satisfied with the education that they received. The positive impact that a short educational intervention had on participants' knowledge and confidence in providing care for women choosing termination of pregnancy was demonstrated.


Mark Allen Group


Maternity and Midwifery

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