1. Department of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843–4474, USA
Chylothorax is a complex disease with many identified underlying causes including cardiac disease, mediastinal masses, heartworm disease and trauma. Management of this disease should be directed at identifying the cause, if possible, and treating the underlying disorder. In cats with idiopathic chylothorax, medical management is recommended initially because the condition may resolve spontaneously. Owners should be made aware of the potential development of fibrosing pleuritis in affected cats. When medical management is impractical or unsuccessful, surgical intervention should be considered. Surgical options include mesenteric lymphangiography and thoracic duct ligation, pericardiectomy, omentalisation, passive pleuroperitoneal shunting, active pleuroperitoneal or pleurovenous shunting, and pleurodesis. Of these, only thoracic duct ligation and pericardiectomy are preferred by the author because, if successful, the result is complete resolution of the chylothorax, thereby reducing the risk of developing fibrosing pleuritis. Omentalisation may be beneficial in some animals as adjuvant therapy, but this procedure may still allow fibrosing pleuritis to occur. Until the aetiology of the effusion in cats with idiopathic chylothorax is understood, the treatment success rate will be less than ideal. Future research needs to be directed at determining the pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying this disease in cats.
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