1. .Cancer Guidance Sub-group of the Clinical Outcomes Group. Improving outcomes in breast cancer. Three documents: The manual; The research evidence; and Guidance for general practitioners and primary care teams. London: NHS Executive, Department of Health, 1996.
2. .Cancer Guidance Sub-group of the Clinical Outcomes Group. Improving outcomes in colorectal cancer. Three documents: The manual; The research evidence; and Guidance for general practitioners and primary care teams.London: NHS Executive, Department of Health, 1997.
3. .National Cancer Guidance Group. Improving outcomes in lung cancer. Three documents: The manual; The research evidence; and Guidance for general practitioners and primary care teams. London: NHS Executive, Department of Health, 1998.
4. .National Cancer Guidance Group. Improving outcomes in gynaecological cancers. Three documents: The manual; The research evidence; and Guidance for general practitioners and primary care teams. London: NHS Executive, Department of Health, 1999.
5. .National Cancer Guidance Group. Improving outcomes in upper gastro-intestinal cancers. Three documents: The manual; The research evidence; and Guidance for general practitioners and primary care teams.London: NHS Executive, Department of Health, 2001.