Studies of the Electrical Resistivity Tomography Monitoring of the Issyk-Ata Fault Zone (Northern Tien Shan)


Rybin Anatoly1ORCID,Bataleva Elena1ORCID,Zabinyakova Olga1ORCID,Nepeina Kseniia1ORCID


1. FSBIS Reseacrh Station RAS in Bishkek


In 2023, monitoring geophysical studies were carried out using the electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) method along three profiles that cross the strike zone of the Issyk-Ata fault in the transverse direction. A detailed study was carried out of the observed variations in apparent electrical resistivity, which characterize the change in the electrical properties of the upper part of the Earth's crust section with a 40-minute discretization in time. Using the analysis of difference pseudo-sections of apparent resistivity, constructed based on the results of ERT monitoring, the most informative pseudo-depth interval from the point of view of geoelectric activity was determined for all three monitoring profiles. Accordingly, for a pseudo-depth of 24 m on each monitoring profile, an assessment was made of the geodynamic activity of these sections of the Issyk-Ata fault based on an analysis of the magnitude of two parameters: the amplitude of apparent resistivity variations and the correlation coefficient of electrical resistivity variations with lunar-solar solid tides. High values of these parameters, in our opinion, determine the location of modern active fault zones.


Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences


General Earth and Planetary Sciences

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