ASXL1 impairs osteoclast formation by epigenetic regulation of NFATc1


Rohatgi Nidhi1,Zou Wei1,Collins Patrick L.1,Brestoff Jonathan R.1,Chen Timothy H.2,Abu-Amer Yousef2,Teitelbaum Steven L.13


1. Department of Pathology and Immunology,

2. Department of Orthopedic Surgery, and

3. Division of Bone and Mineral Diseases, Department of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO


Abstract Additional sex comb-like 1 (ASXL1) mutations are commonly associated with myeloid malignancies and are markers of aggressive disease. The fact that ASXL1 is necessary for myeloid differentiation raises the possibility it also regulates osteoclasts. We find deletion of ASXL1 in myeloid cells results in bone loss with increased abundance of osteoclasts. Because ASXL1 is an enhancer of trithorax and polycomb (ETP) protein, we asked if it modulates osteoclast differentiation by maintaining balance between positive and negative epigenetic regulators. In fact, loss of ASXL1 induces concordant loss of inhibitory H3K27me3 with gain of H3K4me3 at key osteoclast differentiation genes, including nuclear factor for activated T cells 1 (NFATc1) and itgb3. In the setting of ASXL1 deficiency, increased NFATc1 binds to the Blimp1 (Prdm1) promoter thereby enhancing expression of this pro-osteoclastogenic gene. The global reduction of K27 trimethylation in ASXL1-deficient osteoclasts is also attended by a 40-fold increase in expression of the histone demethylase Jumonji domain-containing 3 (Jmjd3). Jmjd3 knockdown in ASXL1-deficient osteoclast precursors increases H3K27me3 on the NFATc1 promoter and impairs osteoclast formation. Thus, in addition to promoting myeloid malignancies, ASXL1 controls epigenetic reprogramming of osteoclasts to regulate bone resorption and mass.


American Society of Hematology



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