Eleven years of alloimmunization in 6496 patients with sickle cell disease in France who received transfusion


Floch Aline12ORCID,Viret Sophie1,Malard Lucile3,Pakdaman Sadaf12,Jouard Alicia12,Habibi Anoosha4ORCID,Galacteros Frédéric4,François Anne3,Pirenne France12ORCID


1. 1Etablissement Français du Sang Ile-de-France, Créteil, France

2. 2INSERM U955, Equipe Transfusion et Maladies du Globule Rouge, Université Paris-Est Creteil, Institut Mondor de Recherche Biomédicale, Créteil, France

3. 3Etablissement Français du Sang, Saint-Denis, France

4. 4Referral Center for Sickle Cell Disease, Henri Mondor Hospital, Créteil, France


Abstract Red blood cell (RBC) transfusion is a major therapy for sickle cell disease (SCD). Patients are at risk of forming antibodies to RBC antigens, which can result in the impossibility to find compatible units and can cause hemolytic transfusion reactions. This retrospective study investigates the evolution of RBC consumption and the frequencies, specificities, and chronology of the appearance of antibodies in a population of patients consistently receiving RH (C, D, E, c, e) and K–matched RBC units (RBCus) from a predominantly European donor population. Over the 11-year period in the Paris area, 6496 patients received transfusion at least once for a total of 239 944 units. Antibodies were made by 1742 patients. The first antibodies of a patient were predictive of subsequent immunization. By the 17th RBCu transfused (by the 20th, excluding warm autoantibodies), 75% of the patients who would make antibodies had made their first. By the 16th, 90% who would make antibodies to a high frequency antigen had made their first antibody to these antigens. Females made their first antibodies slightly earlier than males. Patients who received multiple transfusions (>50 units) had a higher immunization prevalence than those who rarely received transfusion (<12 units) but fewer clinically significant antibodies. Patients with SCD and prophylactic RH-K matching not immunized by the 20th RBCu are likely to have a low alloimmunization risk (to antigens other than RH-K), that is, be low responders, especially relative to the most clinically significant antibodies. This number of 20 units is a point before which close monitoring of patients is most important but remains open to future adjustment.


American Society of Hematology










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