Novel type II anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody (GA101) evokes homotypic adhesion and actin-dependent, lysosome-mediated cell death in B-cell malignancies


Alduaij Waleed1,Ivanov Andrei2,Honeychurch Jamie1,Cheadle Eleanor J.1,Potluri Sandeep1,Lim Sean H.3,Shimada Kazuyuki3,Chan Claude H. T.3,Tutt Alison3,Beers Stephen A.3,Glennie Martin J.3,Cragg Mark S.3,Illidge Tim M.1


1. Targeted Therapy Group, Paterson Institute for Cancer Research, School of Cancer and Enabling Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester Academic Health Sciences Center, Manchester, United Kingdom;

2. Beatson Institute for Cancer Research, Glasgow, United Kingdom; and

3. Tenovus Laboratory, Cancer Sciences Division, University of Southampton School of Medicine, Southampton, United Kingdom


Abstract The anti-CD20 mAb rituximab has substantially improved the clinical outcome of patients with a wide range of B-cell malignancies. However, many patients relapse or fail to respond to rituximab, and thus there is intense investigation into the development of novel anti-CD20 mAbs with improved therapeutic efficacy. Although Fc-FcγR interactions appear to underlie much of the therapeutic success with rituximab, certain type II anti-CD20 mAbs efficiently induce programmed cell death (PCD), whereas rituximab-like type I anti-CD20 mAbs do not. Here, we show that the humanized, glycoengineered anti-CD20 mAb GA101 and derivatives harboring non-glycoengineered Fc regions are type II mAb that trigger nonapoptotic PCD in a range of B-lymphoma cell lines and primary B-cell malignancies. We demonstrate that GA101-induced cell death is dependent on actin reorganization, can be abrogated by inhibitors of actin polymerization, and is independent of BCL-2 overexpression and caspase activation. GA101-induced PCD is executed by lysosomes which disperse their contents into the cytoplasm and surrounding environment. Taken together, these findings reveal that GA101 is able to potently elicit actin-dependent, lysosomal cell death, which may potentially lead to improved clearance of B-cell malignancies in vivo.


American Society of Hematology


Cell Biology,Hematology,Immunology,Biochemistry







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